.Bla bla Things About Me.

My photo
I thought I'm just gonna say that I'm a simple girl in this complicated world, but I think it's just what I want to be - a simple person.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


...when shadow means there's a light beyond.....

.Kota Tua, Jakarta 2009.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

.Fall Again.

.Project for Akoer Publisher.
.Jessica Hadiwidjaja + Anthony Alvin, TC Studio 2009.
.MUA : Ina Cahyadi.

and as always, some that i'd rather in BW...

and few beauty shots..

Monday, May 18, 2009


Saya akui, dunia gym adalah baru bagi saya. Sekumpulan perempuan yang tidak saling mengenal saling berbagi ruangan ganti dan mandi, cukup membuka mata saya lagi akan tipe2 perempuan di dunia ini. Maklum, sejak lulus kuliah saya jarang menemukan kenalan baru yang bergender perempuan.
Sewaktu masi sekolah, saya kira ada beberapa tipe perempuan yang hanya ada di dunia film atau buku. Begitu kuliah, saya baru menyadari, ya tokoh2 di dalam dunia film atau buku itu ada, ya karena memang ada contoh konkritnya. how naive i was huh? :P
And anyway, salah satu tipe perempuan itu adalah perempuan ini.

Sebut aja namanya A. dia cantik, putih, rambutnya panjang, tipikal yang rela berdandan 1-2 jam untuk sekedar pergi ke mall, etc. Saya tahu dari teman saya kalau brosur gym tempat saya latihan, memakai dia sebagai model. Dan saya rasa kalian2 ini tahu seberapa indahnya dia.

Tapi dari beberapa kali pertemuan saya dengan dia, saya selalu ingin tertawa. Setiap kali bertemu, saya selalu mendengar dia berkata pada perempuan lain, betapa cantiknya perempuan itu, betapa bagus bodynya, etc. Mungkin kalau cuma 1-2x dia ngomong gituh, saya pikir hanya berbasa basi biasa. Tapi sepertinya memang dia sering ngmg gituh, dan tentu saja jelas selalu di balas dengan pujian balik dr perempuan yang di puji si A, "ah kamu juga cantik kok..", dst. Dan akan selalu di bales dengan dia "ah ndak mungkin, aku kan kurus rata gini..",etc.

Saya mengetahui taktik "merendah untuk dipuji balik", saya akui saya kadang2 pake taktik kaya begini, tapi lucu juga melihat seorang perempuan yang secantik dia memuji seorang perempuan lain yang notabene jelas agak kurang [maap] cantik, untuk sekedar dipuji balik.

Entah kenapa, saya menangkap si A ini butuh pengakuan yang luar biasa banyak dari orang lain, istilahnya pingin exist :P Mungkin pemikiran saya yang terlalu negatif, mungkin dia memang bermaksud baik dan manis mulut saja. Atawa mungkin ini hanya omong kosong seorangprempuan yang emang tidak cantik dan berbody yahud seperti si A :P

Ya anyway moral yang saya pelajari hari ini, merendah untuk dipuji balik itu penting, tapi pilih target yang benar, nanti malahan kesannya butuh eksistensi banget lagi... :)

Ngmg2, saya harus lebih giat cardio lagi nih! -__-

Saturday, May 16, 2009

.Ba-So, Pluit Village.

Pluit Village 4th Floor No. 18
Ph. (021) 66602952

Di Megamall, ups Pluit Village skrg namanya, banyak restoran baru bermunculan, salah satunya Ba-So. Dari dlu gue ingin coba makan di sini, sayang belum ada kesempatan. Jadi malam minggu kemaren setelah belanja belenji, akhirnya gue ke sini, kebetulan lagi agak sepi lagi restonya :)

Tempatnya nga begitu besar, tapi cukup nyaman, interior yang dipakai juga menarik, memberikan kesan luas. Well tapi yang paling penting adalah makanannya. Banyak pilihan baksonya, tapi mirip semua yak. Akhirnya kita pesan Baso Rawit 22K, Tom Yam 16K [sepertinya promo dari 22K], Rosella Lime Juice 15K dan Fried Gyoza 13.5K.

Basonya agak bikin bingung sih sebenernya, karena dalam 1 mangkok itu ada baso sapi, dan baso seafood juga. Baso sapi itu kan dimana2 enaknya kuahnya di campur saos dan kecap, sedang baso seafood itu kan enaknya dicampur cabe cair aja cukup. Jadi agak bingung meramu kuahnya deh hehehe.. Taste kuahnya agak mirip pa-pa [merk pasta instan yang dari thailand], asin2 gurih gituh.

Tom Yamnya not bad, segar di mulut, untungnya nga ada campuran baso sapi di dalamnya, kalok ada, lebih bingung lagi gua hehehe... Gyozanya memakai daging ayam serta ada side dish salad. Sedikit berasa ‘tepung’ tapi okay. Rosella Lime Juicenya gue nga tau sih campurannya, yang pasti cuma berasa Limenya doank hahaha...

Ya anyway mungkin akan mampir lagi mencoba dessert and tom yamnya :)

.Ciz and Chic, Untar.

Dulu2 waktu gue lagi masa2 akhir kuliah, Ciz and Chic baru buka di Binus, and lagi naek2 daunnya. Rame banget...and gue inget banget pas hari gue sidang, setelah sidang and pengumuman hasilnya [puji Tuhan lulus donkkkk], baru deh perut gue berasa laper and akhirnya mau makan ini. Eh baru duduk 5 menit, ternyata gue ude harus cabut karena kunci kos temen gue masi ada di gue, and dia mau balik kos, terpaksa deh niat makan Ciz and Chic gue urungkan huhu..and sejak itu gue belum sempet nyoba lagi, padahal pengen banget.

Dan 2 minggu lalu, waktu gue mampir liat pameran PFT di Untar, di ajak temen gue makan malam, ternyata gue di bawa ke sini. ternyata Ciz and Chic ada buka juga di Untar! Yay!

Bener banget kata temen gue, murah banget and porsinya banyak. Soal french fries, fish chips, and goreng2an lainnya sih buat gue biasa aja ya, tapi gue sempet pesen 1 menu yg cukup mengejutkan, yaitu Spaghetti Tuna Pedas. Di foto emang terlihat agak menjijikan, kaya cacing yak hehehe... tapi rasanya donk....rasa jengkol. Seriously, pas datang gue ude mencium bau jengkol, waktu gue makan, whewww bener2 rasa jengkol. Temen gue pas nyicip juga bingung kok rasa jengkol. Well secara gue ude berbulan2 nga makan jengkol, sedot aja deh, hajar bleh wwkkkwkwkw...

Definetely will be back for their Spaghetti Jengkol hehehehe...

.Bobby's Grill, Tanjung Duren.

Beberapa minggu lalu, setelah photoshoot yang melelahkan [which btw meninggalkan banyak jejak gigitan nyamuk di kaki gue, ampe skrg! Ampe ungu2 gituh deh :( ] akhirnya gue and kawan2 makan ke Kwetiao Akang, Kota , dan dilanjutkan ke Bobby’s Grill di Tanjung Duren.

Agak sepi restonya, karena letaknya di tengah2 jalan kali ya. Ya anyway menu andalan mereka adalah steak daging hiu, agak ajaib jg ye. Kasian banget ya hiu2 itu, secara populasi mereka kan ude turun banget :|

Kawan2 yang lain sedang dilanda ngidam steak, so mereka pesan Tenderloin Steak. Gue lupa harga pastinya, tp seinget gue sangat worthed kok, dengan harga kayanya sekitar 50rb dapet steak yang ok kok. Steaknya dipanggang di atas hot stone, dengan kentang and sedikit sayur as side dish. Gue pribadi bukan penggemar steak jadi nga nyicip, tapi katanya mereka sih ok :) Oh ya sempet nyicip pisang bakarnya, sausnya saus lemon + taburan cinnamon, agak aneh di lidah gue kali ya...pisangnya juga kaya belum masak banget ude dpanggang, jadi keras2 gituh deh...Anyway karena gue ude kenyang, akhirnya cm pesen Sprite Honey Dew, sejenis soda dengan sirup, diberi selasih serta corn flake dan kismis. Agak aneh ya campurannya, ternyata enak jga loh :) yang menyenangkan adalah tempat makannya terpisah dari tempat bakarannya, jadi ya..nga banyak makan asap deh hari itu :)

Mungkin besok2 gue akan ke sini lagi, kalau lagi ngidam steak ya..

Thursday, May 14, 2009

.My Next Obsession.

Terpujilah Tuhan untuk menciptakan ruangan yang bernama gym.
*especially the one which filled by sweaty hot guys with killer biseps.

okay, that was cheesy.
treadmill, here i come!

Monday, May 11, 2009

.He's Just Not That Into You.

Alex: If a guy treats you like he doesn't give a sh*t, it's because he doesn't give a shit.

- He's Just Not That Into You, Ken Kwapis, 2009.

Friday, May 08, 2009


i realized many things lately.
too many things.
to learn.
to do.
and to think.

and i realized i did many things.
too many things.
to learn.
to sorry.
and to let go.

I think....

I think too much.

Thursday, May 07, 2009

.Someday Soon.

.Project for Akoer Publisher.
.MUA : Lidya Hutagalung.
.Directing and Styling : me and Catrin Leonard.
.Jessica Hadiwidjaja, Kuningan, 2009.

and of course, some that i'd rather in BW...

much love,


Wednesday, May 06, 2009


Saya hanya ingin 1 hal.
saya ingin jadi orang yang lebih pintar :|

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

.Eat and Eat, Kelapa Gading.

One of my friend was having her bed rest during her pregnancy, so me and the other old friends [baca : we’re old friend, but we’re not old at all ! :P ] visit her at her apartement, after that as the dragon inside our stomach started to crying, we went to Gading. And we found this food court.

I loooovveee the interior since the first step, it’s soooo indo-chinese classic. On every corner, you can find many old things like teko jadul, piring2 seng, rantangan besi, aww it gave me my old memories when i’m still using that things.

Anyway aside from the classic interior, they’re using modern system. To buy food, we should recharge a card from a locket in front of the food court. And of course, you can redempt it back. On each counter there’s a touch screen cashier machine, cool huh?

Gosh i hate food court, it makes you want to eat anything, i hate when i’m being laper mata :| we ordered Soto Mie, Bakmie Kepiting, Ayam Bakar, Sop Buntut Goreng, etc. I realized I always ordered soto mie each time went to food court, I dont know why. The soto mie first appearance was amusing, it came with a alumunium stand on the bottom of it, so we wont get the heat from the bowl. But as i started to dig it, i am dissapointed. They are not using the usual mie kuning i loved :| they’re using mie telor, kinda like indomi soto mie huks huks.

Bakmi Kepiting wasnt that good too :( and i’d rather eat at Bakmie Kepiting Lokasari [located next to Kwetiao Abun 79] for that price! It came only with 1 small tiny bity crab’s legs [ok i dont know what’s word for kaki kepiting lol], and you called it Bakmie Kepiting, heh?

One meal that went well was Sop Buntut Goreng, it tasted great *droll* i want more. Anyway, i also want to try Carrot Cake, Nasi Bali, but i’m already too full at that time :( but, i tried Klappertaart, i am not a fan of cake, so it’s my first time try that. Errrr,...it tasted...weird? it’s like soes filling cream, but it doesnt have butter taste in it -___-

.Secret Recipe, Emporium Pluit Mall.

Secret Recipe
Emporium Pluit Lt. 4 No. 21
Ph. (021) 66676538

I’ve been wanting to visit this restaurant since a month ago, but i didnt have any chance. So when they opened their new branch on emporium pluit, i dragged my sister to accompany me [again]. I’ve been loving their cheese cake ever since, but never tried their other menu.

So, there were we, on dinner time, and of course it’s totally crowded with people. We ordered Garden Salad 12,8K, Penne with Turkey 32,8K, Tom Yam Chicken 29,8K, and Yoghurt Mix 20,8K.

Well, being promoted by a friend of mine about their award winning tom yam, i would say....i’m kinda dissapointed with its taste. A lil bit too salty. And the penne didnt interested me also. I dont know, either the tomato or the cheese, or my nose, it smells awkward. The garden salad came along with thousand island sauce, and maybe i’m being a pizza hut thousand island sauce fans too much, i dont get along with secret recipe’s sauce.

Actually i didnt really mind the food, what i really mind was the service, i dont know, either the restaurant was too crowded [fyi, the capasity approx. 25 people], or their lack of SDM aka waitress [either the waitress amount or the waitress quality]. I have to wait about 20 minutes to get cabe botol and another 15 minutes for my spoon and fork, and even when i almost finished my meal, my drinks havent come yet, and fyi i ordered ice tea, that’s it. At least the waitress realized i dont impressed by the service, he said sorry when he served my ice tea.

After that, we went to cake area, ordered 2 cheese cakes [each 23,8K] for my parents. And we wait [baca : berdiri terus,nunggu...] about 30 minutes for that 2 goddamn cheese cakes to get ready. Gosh, if their cake wasnt that good, errrr... btw, if you want to try secret recipe, i recommended the classic one, it’s the best than the other fancy cake displayed!

I think i need to visit other branch for proofing my friend’s opinion -__-

.Loving Hut, Plasa Semanggi.

Having a meeting at plasa semanggi after office hour around dinner time maybe wasnt the best thing to do, especially when they helded a kartini thingy [exhibition, celebration, etc.] on the ground floor. So i have to pick a spacious restaurant and a comfort one, but of course not that cozy that make you fall asleep when you sit on their sofa or chair. And i am lame on this thing. I picked loving hut [got a warm feeling by their name :P], and i learned my lesson today : always trust the crowd!

We ordered Soto Kudus, Soto Betawi, and Peach Juice. I dont remember the price exactly, but i remembered i’d rather eat at Popeye’s rather than this one. So maybe it’s kinda pricey compared with the food and quality.

Soto kudus, i’ve been craving for this since last week, and too bad my urgent wanting feeling [baca : ngidam] wasnt fulfilled perfectly -__- it did not tasted good, well actually it did not tasted anything. So does their Soto betawi.

The Peach Juice, i wont called it peach juice, it tasted sooo alike orange juice, where the hell is my peach? Oh i remembered this one cost me 20K for a little glass with a bunch of ice in it. Gosh.

Well, the only thing that good, is their service, and of course the waitress. Some of them were cute! [Ame, behaveeee!!]

.Hachi Hachi, Taman Anggrek.

Hachi Hachi
Mal Taman Anggrek 3/311

Revisited, my friend insisted me to try their udon. She’s not really hungry, and i’m on diet [WHAT?] so we only ordered Spicy Seafood Yaki Udon 35K and Unakyu Roll 30K to share. I forgot which one that i like, rainbow roll, dragon roll or unakyu roll. I picked unakyu roll, and i remembered i dont really like that :( the sauce was too sweet for my taste.

The Udon tasted like mie goreng seafood, well beside the mie was called udon right now. But it’s a great mie goreng seafood of course.

I should remember to order rainbow roll for next time visit!