.Bla bla Things About Me.

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I thought I'm just gonna say that I'm a simple girl in this complicated world, but I think it's just what I want to be - a simple person.

Monday, September 07, 2009

.Fire Steak, Citraland.

I've tried this place a long ago, back when I'm still in college. I dont remember their taste, so I think I'm not quite impressed with it. But that day, tempted by the discount [I know I am such a discount lover hahaha!], we give it a try.

They gave free soup / salad for each main course, and each main course got 25% disc. So we ordered Beef Steak 35K and English Steak 35K. I would say...the soup and salad were really dissapointing -__- The steak wasn't that good neither. The meat was juicy, not with 'lemak daging' but with water. Gosh. At least their appearance was tempting *sigh

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