.Bla bla Things About Me.

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I thought I'm just gonna say that I'm a simple girl in this complicated world, but I think it's just what I want to be - a simple person.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Gosh, i hate egoist people.

Lately, being stucked with few egoist people around me, makes me want to bang my head through wall. They are so annoying and selfish, anything's dissapointing, anything's not good enough, anything's mess. I dont mind if they are doing anything good either for others or me, but they dont. All they want just anything from us, with no return.
I might be egoist, but i think you should see the situation around you. DO NOT let your egoism ruins anyone's career.

In high-pressure working life like i had, egoists is not a valuable asset, fyi.

And btw, f*ck you all the egoist people out there.

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