.Bla bla Things About Me.

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I thought I'm just gonna say that I'm a simple girl in this complicated world, but I think it's just what I want to be - a simple person.

Monday, November 03, 2008


my second visit of this year! :) After the last photoshoot, me and my sister and the bestfriend-also-known-as-my-fav-model headed to Pancoran, again! yay! :D

.Kuo Tie Shan Tung.
.Sui Kiaw Shan Tung.
Also, i tried a snack called Mi-pan. Sorry didnt take any photos:P It was a cake made by rice flour, served with gula jawa sauce, and added with fried garlic. Tasted weird i guess hehehe..I also tried Lenggang pempek [the seller was from Palembang], i forgot their Lenggang was different with the one from Bangka. huks huks so what i got is scrambled eggs with sliced pempek inside it. And it tasted so-so, really so-so. Even i dont mind to take a picture of it -__-
Anyway, along my way back home, i passed some store that sold fermented fruits, biscuit, etc. At first, i want bought bagelen, too bad they didnt tasted fresh :( so i bought some emping pedas, and my favourite snack ever, nastar nanas hati [i dont know what is it in English, even i don't know this snack's name in Indonesian! haha!], btw it's only 5K for 1 ons! :D

.Emping Pedas.

.Nastar Nanas Hati.

Btw, one thing I like about Pancoran is the old books. There's a small place near Kali Kecil, it was filled by few old books seller. We can buy old books there - of course it's really cheap. I bought this 2 books for 20K each :D

Yay! Have lots of dvd and books to read for this week!


Anonymous said...

pancoran di mana ya?

SeorangPrempuan said...

@rezayazdi : pancoran ada di seberang Harco Glodok :) daerah Kota gituh deh bo...