.Bla bla Things About Me.

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I thought I'm just gonna say that I'm a simple girl in this complicated world, but I think it's just what I want to be - a simple person.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

.Seven Eleven.

Seven Eleven lately has been the 'it' place for hanging out, especially for the teenagers. I am not a fan of their famous product;Slurpee, since I had issues with blended ice.

Well, but the team love it. I did not get any Slurpee, but I got a Black Pepper Hotdog, 20K for lunch :p

I love how they put self service Chili and Cheese station... Yummm..

And extra nachos for dipping made my day :p
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Anonymous said...

males banget ke sono, tukang parkirnya (dicabang mana aja) kayak preman semua, tarif parkir itung sesukanya

SeorangPrempuan said...

ahhaha plus, markirnya rada2 gelok, semua d tumpuk aja, kmrn gue sampe ngeliat ada dead corner -__-"

irene said...

gue suka tempat" snack corner kayak gini! tapi katanya slalu rame ya?

SeorangPrempuan said...

trgantung lokasi kayanya ren.. yang di Satrio ini nga gt deh. nga serame Cideng or GI sih yang pasti...