.Bla bla Things About Me.

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I thought I'm just gonna say that I'm a simple girl in this complicated world, but I think it's just what I want to be - a simple person.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

.Tom Yam.

One of my friend held a small birthday celebration on her home last week. The menu was simple, yet delightful. It's only a pot of home mode Tom Yam, with a side of vermicelli.

We did not go to a fancy place, we did not put a fancy dress, we even did not bother to open a bottle of wine on the shelf. We only talk and laugh all night long. It was not the food nor the situation but it's all about the accompanying people whom made our day.
It's been quite a long time since I posted a personal photo on this blog. It's us, cheering our friend's birthday :)

Thank you for being with me all this time :)

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